AN LEWOZ LA ( Anglais )

In the léwòz

I went, I went, I went, in their léwòz

I went, I went, I went, in their léwòz

But they didn’t let me play


Léwòz is a moment of sharing

This is where we find brotherhood

Exchange, sharing … This is where they want to compete!

In their léwòz, an artist asked to sing

They looked at him, gave him their back, so he moved to the other side

And to really ignore it, they closed their eyes to sing

Supposedly, for the emotion … So it hurt me deeply

I left to never come back…

Lewòz party on Basse-Terre; it’s beautiful!

Lewòz party on Grande-Terre; it’s beautiful!

The two are separated by the Pont de la Gabarre

But the only thing that unites us

It’s the sound of drums. One culture!!!

Gentlemen, you have already noticed that today the Gwoka is not a music of savages

Gwoka is not thug music

In Classic, there are pretentious

In Hip-Hop, there are some who are poorly educated

In Jazz there are some who are arrogant

In Contemporary there are some who are contemptuous

But our grandparents’ music will stay there for a long time

I’m in Paris, place, where the gwoka is said to be master

Good morning sir, excuse me:

Do you know salsa? Yes quite

Do you know samba? Yes

Do you know reggae, ragga? Of course

Do you know rai? Yes

Do you know the gwoka? The! Gowww ? What?

Do you know GWOKA? Uh ! No !

Either I mispronounced it!  Or we didn’t promote it !

Léwòz is a moment of sharing 

Hey well ! Turn off the light too, while you’re at it !


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